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Raw feeding

Find the right diet for your pet

Raw feeding

Find the right diet for your pet

At Towerwood, since we started as a practice in the 70’s, we are known to be very open minded about alternative approaches to wellness, and diseases and illness management. Raw food feeding is nothing new. As a practice we have been educating ourselves for years about raw food feeding and advising on how to do it safely and properly for your companions. It’s recently become much more fashionable however, much to our delight, and more and more availability of ready prepared and complete balanced preparations have come on to the market, making it easier than ever for your canine and feline friends to get great nutrition without the hassle of lots of home preparation. Back in the 90’s there was only one company that we were able to deal with for the components of a raw feeding diet, which was Anglian Meats (now Natures Menu) and back then they were not offering the range of complete meals they offer now, so it was much more of a challenge to make sure you were giving your dog or cat a balanced diet. These days, there are many reputable sources to obtain both complete bags of prepared diets and individual components to make your own. At the practice we also now stock Benyfit, we like their 80:20:20 ranges and pure meat preparations.

It’s quick and easy to say ‘Don’t feed raw meat, it will kill your pet!’, however as we’ve taken the time to educate and inform our clients well, we’ve proved time and time again that this is simply not the case and have a big database of happy, healthy raw fed patients that we’ve never ever seen the problems others might say is a reason not to feed this kind of diet. In fact we have seen those problems but with patients who are on a dried diet! We have lots of clients who have had their own companions thriving on raw feeding for well over 20 years themselves and they will also be very quick to prove you wrong too. As a practice we’ve been advocating raw food feeding for over 25 years now, and we think it’s fair to say that we’ve converted many people to a raw feeding approach who have been amazed with how their pet’s health and wellbeing has improved considerably. This can be especially the case for those poor dogs suffering with skin and gut ailments when done properly and with professional care.

This said, there are some elements that can pose a risk as with feeding any type of diet to your pet, but once you know what you’re doing and how to feed to your dogs individual needs we promise it’s as simple as ABC, with the added benefit that each meal can be different, with more variety and interest for your canine and feline friends than you could have ever imagined.

There are so many possibilities and so many wonderful suppliers out there right on our doorstep it is now easier than ever. We hope you enjoy feeding your trusty companion a fresh whole meat diet.